
施設生産学分野 Plant and Animal Production under tructureS生物資源生産科学連合講座013花の形づくりおよび花色に関する研究Studies on floral morphogenesis and flower color expression in ornamental plants大規模太陽光植物工場におけるトマト生産Tomato production in large-scale greenhouse生物資源生産学専攻Bioresource Production Science温室などの施設による生産性の向上,施設自体の工学的検討,さらに施設環境下における生物挙動,環境特性等の基本的課題を教育研究する。This chair is concerned with the fields of study for understanding basic problems about the improvement of productivity by creating artificial environments such as greenhouses, and the technological examination of agricultural facilities, along with environmental and behavioral characteristics of plants and animals.植物工場における最適な環境制御Optimal control of environmental factors in intelligent greenhouse and plant factoryトマト群落を対象としたクロロフィル蛍光画像計測の様子Measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence with the chlorophyll fluorescence imaging robot in tomato production greenhouseBioresource Production Science園芸植物の花成機構の解明Genetic control of flowering response in ornamental plants植物診断のためのクロロフィル蛍光画像計測ロボット(プロトタイプ)Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging robot for plant diagnosis (Prototype)施設生産学分野Plant and Animal Production under Structure

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