
生産環境学分野 Environmental Science生物環境保全学専攻019Life Environment Conservation Science湿地でのトンボ類調査Investigation about dragonfly fauna in marsh植物-病原細菌間相互作用に関する研究(Ralstonia solanacearumによる青枯病)Study of plant-bacterial pathogen interactions (Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum).フィンランド, バルト海でのヘルシンキ大との沿岸底棲微生物の共同調査Sediment microbes survey in Baltic coast, Finland, as collaboration with the University of Helsinki.顕微鏡下での解剖と観察Dissection and observation of insects under microscope生物環境保全科学連合講座Life Environment Conservation Science愛媛大学ミュージアムにある甲虫類のタイプ標本Beetles holotypes preserved inEhime University Museum愛媛大CMES調査船での瀬戸内の海洋微生物調査Sampling of marine bacteria in Seto Inland Sea, Ehime, by research vessel “Isana” of CMES, Ehime University.陸地土壌から海洋に至る広い生態系の構造と機能,その人間活動による変動,環境の保全と管理について基礎的及び応用的教育と研究を行う。This chair provides instruction and research programs concerning the basic study and applied technology of the structure and function of various ecosystems ranging from the terrestrial land to the seas, along with environmental changes caused by human activities, and conservation and management of life environments.生産環境学分野Environmental Science

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