
002昭和60年4月April 1985昭和63年5月May 1988平成2年10月October 1990平成13年4月April 2001平成14年4月April 2002平成14年10月October 2002平成16年4月April 2004The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences昭和63年(1988年)連大校舎落成記念式Ceremony for the completion of the UGAS building (1988)愛媛,高知,香川3大学農学部により構成大学間協定書が批准され,愛媛大学大学院連合農学研究科(後期3年のみの博士課程,3専攻8連合講座)を設置An agreement was ratified by the faculties of agriculture of Kagawa, Kochi, and Ehime universities, establishing The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University (UGAS-EU) (three-year doctoral program with three majors and eight departments)愛媛大学大学院連合農学研究科建物(1,380㎡)が竣工The UGAS-EU building completed (1,380 m2)「熱帯・亜熱帯農学留学生特別コース」を設置(国費枠6名)Created the Special Program for International Students in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Related Sciences (government sponsorship for six students)社会人受入制度導入Introduced admission of working students高知県海洋深層水研究所との連携による連携大学院を設置Established a collaborative graduate school with the Kochi Prefecture Deep Sea Research Institute修士・博士一貫の「アジア・アフリカ・環太平洋農学留学生特別コース(AAP)」を設置(国費枠15名)Inaugurated an integrated doctoral program — the Special Doctoral Course for International Students from Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Rim (AAP) (government sponsorship for fifteen students)構成3大学は国立大学法人となるThe three constituent universities acquired the status of National University Corporation昭和62年度(1987年度)学位記授与式Degree Ceremony (1987 academic year)連合農学研究科建物外観(竣工当時)UGAS building (at the time of completion)沿 革History

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