
Food Science)fg( ecroF食糧科学分野The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences生物資源利用学専攻Applied Bioresource Science食糧の生産から最終的に食物として摂取されるまでの全過程における食品を一貫してとらえた食品に関する化学,物理学,栄養学,衛生学,農産物利用学,水産物利用学,微生物利用学などのほか,生体組織構成物の構造と機能など応用生物化学的教育研究を行う。This chair is concerned with the field of study for understanding the utilization process of food from its production to ingestion. Chemistry, physics, nutrition, hygienics, manufacturing of agricultural products and aquatic products, and applied microbiology of food as well as applied biochemistry including morphology, structure, and functions of tissue contents and cell organelle are studied.タンパク質源の違いがラットひふく筋径に与える影響Effect of protein sources on rat gastrocnemius muscle diameterApplied Bioresource Scienceオリーブハマチ刺身の破断強度Breaking strength of Muscle of yellowtail reared with olive leaf diet生物資源利用科学連合講座Olive dietControl dietStrain (%)破断点オリーブの葉オリーブの葉を混ぜたえさオリーブ葉を混ぜた餌で育てたハマチ(オリーブハマチ)Fish (yellowtail) reared with feed containing olive leafオリーブの葉を食べさせた養殖ハマチハマチの体側筋筋肉の破断強度測定オリーブハマチの応力−歪曲線016食糧科学分野Food Science

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