
植物生産学分野 Plant Resource Production生物資源生産科学連合講座012香川大学で育成した低温要求量の少ないモモ新品種‘KU-PP1’と‘KU-PP2’のビニルハウスでの促成栽培Forcing culture of lower-chilling peach cultivars ‘KU-PP1’ and ‘KU-PP2’ bred by Kagawa University in a plastic house野外調査風景(ウル・トゥンブロン国立公園,ブルネイ)Work in the field (Ulu Temburong National Park, Brunei)The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences生物資源生産学専攻Bioresource Production Science作物,果樹,蔬菜,花卉,林木の量的・質的生産向上,遺伝質の改良,生産・管理技術の合理化等の諸問題を,高度な視点で捉えた教育研究を行う。This chair is intended to train specialists who would have full knowledge about rationalizing qualitative and quantitative improvement of the production of field crops, fruits and vegetables, ornamental plants and forestry and forestry products as well as plant idioplasm.水田から発生する地球温暖化ガスであるメタン、亜酸化窒素を採取している写真A picture of the sampling of methane and nitrous oxide, which are global warming gases generated from rice paddy soilBioresource Production Science石灰岩地に自生するギボウシの生態調査(高知県仁淀川町)Native habitat of a Hosta species on limestone cliff (Niyodogawa-cho, Kochi)トマトの果実肥大に関する研究(高温または低温での果皮の構造)Study on the growth of tomato fruits (Pericarp structure of tomato fruits growing under high and low temperature)イネ種子脱粒性に関する研究(電子顕微鏡で観察する様子)Research on seed shattering in rice.Observation with an electron microscope植物生産学分野Plant Resource Production

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