
*(EH) Ehime University, (KG) Kagawa University, (KC) Kochi University⓭❾⓮⓮⓮⓮⓫❾❾【主指導教員】【Professor】【大学】【Affiliation*】【研究分野】【Research Field】MIURA Takeshi HU Bai 【研究内容】【Main Subject】【研究活動とSDGsの関連】【Relevance of research activities to the SDGs】園芸植物遺伝資源の利用と改良,花色発現の遺伝的・環境的制御Utilization and genetic improvement of horticultural plant resources. Genetic improvement and environmental control for flower color expression植物生体情報計測とその活用に関する研究開発Measurement and analysis of plant biological information for plant diagnosis in agricultural plant production農業におけるスマート化のための計測・人工知能に関する研究農林生態系を対象とした応用気象学的研究Climatological studies on agricultural ecosystems物理化学的・生物化学的な1細胞計測による植物の環境応答Environmental plant physiology using single-cell analyses combined water relations with mass spectrometry沿岸環境と水産生物の生態および,その保全方法についての研究Ecology and Conservation of coastal ecosystems and fisheries resources魚類のウイルス性,細菌性,寄生虫性疾病の疫学及び予防に関する研究Studies on epidemiology and prevention of fish diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites動物の配偶子や胚の低温生物学的特性の解析と凍結保存法の開発Studies on the cryobiological property of gametes and embryos Development of cryopreservation methods for gametes and embryos養殖対象種の種苗生産技術開発における発生工学・生殖生理学的研究Studies of developmental biotechnology and reproductive physiology in aquaculture species発生工学的技術を用いてより効率的な水産養殖を目指す研究魚類の遺伝育種,魚類の保全遺伝学水産動物の育種および遺伝資源の保全に関する研究家禽の成長と行動に関わる生理活性物質の研究Studies on the bioactive molecules related to growth and behavior of chickens魚類の成長と消化に関わる内分泌因子の研究Studies on hormonal regulation of growth and digestion in fish魚類における栄養素の利用性と生理的役割に関する研究Studies on bioavailability and physiological roles of nutrients in Fish魚類の生殖生理・配偶子生理学の研究と新たな増養殖に向けた種苗生産基盤技術の開発Studies of molecular mechanisms of oocyte development and maturation, and evaluation of gamete quality. The results are applied for seed production in fish aquaculture and stock enhancement生殖生理学に基づく新しい効率的養殖方の開発および昆虫の飼料化と魚介類に対する機能性に関する研究Development of a new efficient aquaculture system based on reproductive physiology, and study on insect feed for aquaculture and its physiological function for fish and shellfish日本やアジアの農山村の資源利用,暮らし,社会,文化の研究Studies on resource uses, livelihood, society and culture in rural areas in Japan and Asia水産業や漁業地域の持続可能な発展にむけた経済・経営・実践的研究農業政策による農業構造の変化や生産主体のあり方に関する研究Agricultural structure policy, Perspective of Paddy Fields Agriculture, Large Scale Farming, Group Farming農業・環境問題の経済学的解明,環境保全型農業の成立条件,持続可能な農業・農村のあり方の経営学,経済学的研究Farm household economy, agricultural and rural development, production and marketing of organic farm products.農地の管理・保全に関する経済的研究Economical studies on management and preservation of agricultural land地域農業の担い手形成に関する経営・経済的研究Studies on the Agricultural Structures in Rural Economy from Economic and Managerial Perspective漁業地域の社会構造と生活文化に関する研究Studies on the social structure and culture of fishing Community top of this page動物生産学分野Aquaculture and Livestock Production生物資源経済学分野Bioresource Economics025高村武二郎TAKAMURA Takejiro KG香川園芸資源開発学Horticultural Plant Breeding愛媛髙山弘太郎TAKAYAMA Kotaro EH羽藤 堅治HATOU Kenji 森  牧人MORI Makito 和田 博史WADA Hiroshi 植物診断計測工学Plant diagnostic engineering植物工場情報システム学Information Systems for Plant FactoryResearch on measurement and artificial intelligence for smart agriculture気象環境学Applied Meteorology植物細胞システム計側学Plant Biophysics/Biochemistry愛媛EH高知KC愛媛EH高知KC高知池島  耕IKEJIMA Kou 今城 雅之IMAJOH Masayuki KC枝重 圭祐EDASHIGE Keisuke KC沿岸環境学Coastal and Fisheries Ecology魚病学Fish Pathology応用低温生物学Applied Cryobiology高知後藤 理恵GOTO Rie 愛媛EH水族繁殖生理学Fish Reproductive Physiology and Aquaculture水産養殖・発生工学Aquaculture, developmental engineeringDevelopment of an efficient aquaculture technology by using developmental engineering methods水族遺伝・育種学Fish Genetics and Breeding ScienceFish genetics and breeding science, Conservation genetics in fish水産遺伝育種学Fish Breesing and Conservation GeneticsStudies on fish breeding and conservation genetics家禽栄養生理学Poultry Nutritional Physiology魚類栄養生理学Fish Nutrient Physiology魚類生理・生化学Fish Physiology and Biochemistry水族繁殖生理学Fish Reproductive Physiology and Aquaculture愛媛EH高知KC愛媛斎藤 大樹SAITO Taiju 關  伸吾SEKI Shingo 高木 基裕TAKAGI Motohiro EH橘  哲也TACHIBANA Tetsuya EH深田 陽久FUKADA Haruhisa KC益本 俊郎MASUMOTO Toshiro KC松原 孝博MATSUBARA Takahiro EH愛媛高知高知愛媛三浦  猛愛媛水族繁殖生理学EHFish Reproductive Physiology高知市川 昌広ICHIKAWA Masahiro KC竹ノ内徳人TAKENOUCHI Naruhito EH椿  真一TSUBAKI Shinichi EH農山村資源利用学Rural Resource Management水産経営学Fisheries management and businessStudy on economics and management theories of the sustainable development in the fisheries and fishing village.農業政策学Agricultural policy愛媛愛媛胡   柏愛媛農業および環境経済学Agricultural Economics and Farm Management資源・環境管理学Resources and Environmental Management農業経営学Farm management水産社会学Social Sciences of FisheryEH松岡  淳MATSUOKA Atsushi EH愛媛愛媛山本 和博YAMAMOTO KazuhiroEH若林 良和WAKABAYASHI Yoshikazu EH愛媛❸❾⓬⓭⓯❷❾⓬❾⓭⓬⓮❷❾⓮⓱⓮⓯❷⓭⓯⓬⓮❷❾⓬⓮❾⓮❷⓮❽⓫⓮⓯❶❽❿❾⓫❾⓮

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