Dr. Nur A. Khondaker, Assistant FAO Representative, received his doctoral degree from Rendai in 1998. He visited Rendai on November 29 to give a lecture on “Food Security and Safety in Bangladesh:Possible Areas of Collaboration”.
Before the lecture, the Dean of UGAS, Professor Hiroki Oue, introduced Dr. Khondaker to the audience. In the lecture, he discussed agriculture and food, food security and safety in Bangladesh, and the efforts of the government for sustainable development goals compared with the situation elsewhere in the world.
In his lecture, he also talked about his life at Rendai and the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences.
- Dr. Khondaker
- Audience members in his lecture
Rendai students and graduates attended the lecture, especially students from Bangladesh. Students in Kagawa and Kochi Universities were also able to attend through the online video conferencing system. Professor Emeritus Koichi Sato, Dr. Khondaker’s supervisor while he was at Rendai, also attended. The audience members listened intently and asked many questions afterward.
It was a distinct honor to host his lecture at Rendai. We hope for his future success and ongoing career.
- Dr. Khondaker and the Dean of UGAS, Professor Oue