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Auditor Candidate Selection Committee

Auditor Candidate Selection Committee (FY2021 and FY2020)

 The University has two auditors appointed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in accordance with the provisions of the National University Corporation Law, and the auditors were appointed on September 1, 2020.
 Prior to this, in recommending candidates to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the University established the “Auditor Candidate Selection Committee” consisting of the President, two external committee members, and two board members, and after formulating the roles and qualifications required of an auditor, invited applicants and conducted interviews to select candidates.

Members of the Auditor Candidate Selection Committee

Name (an incumbent’s) present name
Yuichi Ohashi Dean
Yuji Takahashi Chairman, Ehime University Alumni Association; Chairman, Miura Kogyo Co.
Miki Takeda Director, Matsuyama Shiki Memorial Museum
Hidenori Yahiro Director and Vice President for Finance and Human Resources Management
Koichi Kurosawa Director (General Affairs and Facilities)

 As of March 31, 2020

Procedures for the Selection of Candidates for Auditors

schedule Item
Wednesday, May 29
◆First meeting of the Auditor Candidate Selection Committee
Selection Procedures for Candidates for Auditor of Ehime University National University Corporation
(1) Desired qualifications for auditors, etc.
(2) Selection Schedule for Auditor Candidates
Friday, June 7 – Friday, June 14 Open recruitment period for Auditor candidates (posted on the University’s website)
Friday, June 14 Deadline for submission of documents (“Aspirations as Auditor” and “Curriculum Vitae”)
Friday, June 21 ◆Second meeting of the Auditors’ Candidate Selection Committee
Interview by selection committee
Selection of Candidates
July 1 (Monday) Recommended to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
September 1 (Sunday) Appointed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Term of office:September 1, 2001 – August 31, 2020
(Remaining term of office of the previous auditor)
Thursday, March 19
◆3rd Auditors’ Candidate Selection Committee
Selection of Candidates
Wednesday, March 31 Recommended to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Tuesday, September 1 Appointed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Term of office: September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2024


Committee Guidelines

The type of person we are looking for in an auditor

Reasons for Selection of Candidates for Auditor

Candidate Name Main employment history reason for selection
(Candidate for Full-time Auditor)
Mr. Yasuhiro Kadota
Director General, Planning & Promotion Department, Director General, Economic & Labor Affairs Department, General Affairs Department, Ehime Prefectural Government
Executive Director, Ehime Sports Promotion Foundation
Expertise in organizational operations
(Candidate for part-time auditor)
Ms. Naoe Shigematsu
Naoe Shigematsu, Director, Certified Public Tax Accountant Office Expertise in accounting operations

related laws and regulations

(National University Corporation Act (Extract))
Article 10.1.
 (2) Each national university corporation shall have a president as its head and two auditors as its officers.
Article 12, Section 9.
 Auditors shall be appointed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Article 15, Section 3.
 (2) The term of office of an auditor shall expire at the time of approval of the financial statements set forth in Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act on the General Rules as applied mutatis mutandis with respect to the last business year ending within four years after his/her appointment. However, the term of office of a substitute auditor shall be the remaining term of office of his/her predecessor.