Reorganization of undergraduate and graduate schools (reorganization)
Goals and Plans of Ehime University
Organization of Ehime University
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Ehime University from the data

In April 2022, Ehime University established the nation’s first graduate school of public health (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Public Health, Integrating Medicine and Agriculture: Master’s Program).
The MEXT will establish the MEXT-RIKEN through collaboration between the Graduate Schools of Medicine and Agriculture, taking advantage of the “Interdisciplinary Graduate Schools System” stipulated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The program aims to realize public health education through the fusion of medicine and agriculture, utilizing both the strengths of the technology of functionality evaluation and the knowledge and technology of food hygiene, and to contribute to health promotion, disease prevention, and infectious disease control in the entire region in the with-coronary era.
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