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Introduction to the Graduate School

Aiming for Harmony between People and Nature

Modern agricultural science continues to develop, covering not only traditional agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, but also diverse areas such as environmental conservation of human and biological life, disasters, distribution and economy, and food and health, and incorporating various advanced technologies. In order to respond to and contribute to the ever-changing global situation, we must train researchers who are creative, insightful, and active in the world. The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences (Doctoral Program) provides high-level education and research guidance for young people who aspire to become researchers, technicians, and educators, in cooperation with the Graduate Schools of Agricultural Sciences at Ehime University and Kagawa University, and the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Marine Science at Kochi University's Graduate School of Integrated Human and Natural Sciences. For international students, we have established the "Special Doctoral Program for International Students in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Related Sciences" and the "Special Doctoral Course Program in Agricultural Sciences for Students from Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Rim (AAP)" in which education and research guidance is provided in English.

Major Outline

Department of Bioresource Production

Shikoku has developed a wide variety of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and livestock industries, including horticulture, vegetables, flowers, citrus, and other fruit tree production in both open and enclosed areas, aquaculture in inland and coastal areas, forestry, and livestock production, taking advantage of its complex geographical features. The Department of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Livestock is dedicated to the development of basic research and applied technology in the production and management of animals, plants and animals.

Department of Bioresource Utilization

The processing, storage, and effective utilization of agricultural products are becoming a major part of the national economy, and are also ways to meet the diverse demands of society for agricultural products.
There is a great need for basic education and research for the development of new biochemical engineering technologies.
We will conduct research on these basic methods and applied research utilizing them.

Department of Biological and Environmental Conservation

As population growth and resource consumption reach unprecedented levels, the finiteness of the earth and the limits of human survival and activity are commonly recognized, and the conservation of the environment and its rational use as a basis for the production of biological resources and human survival have become major new issues for agricultural science. Therefore, we conduct education and research based on engineering and ecological methods.

Class Introduction I Report To List

United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences Official SNS