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Presidential Selection Committee

The Presidential Selection Committee is an organization that selects, by its own authority and responsibility, suitable candidates for the position of president from within and outside the university.
At the University, the membership consists of seven members of the Management Council and seven members of the Council for Education and Research.


identity (an incumbent’s) present name Committee Member Type
Kayo Ishikawa Ishikawa Memorial Social Medical Corporation
Chairman of HITO Hospital
National University Corporation Act, Article 12, Paragraph 2, Member No. 1 (Management Council elected member)
Alphabetical order
Ryuichi Inaba Special Secretary, Ehime Association of Corporate Executives
Chairman and Representative Director, Daiichi Gas Co.
Yuji Takahashi President, Ehime University Alumni Association
Chairman of the Board, Miura Kogyo Co.
Miki Takeda General Director, Matsuyama Shiki Memorial Museum
Kazuhiko Tanaka Chairman and Representative Director, Nankai Broadcasting System, Inc.
Hideo Doi President and Representative Director, Ehime Shimbun, Ltd.
Yokoyama Nui Managing Director, SPC Corporation
Masahiro Yoshida Dean of Faculty of Law and Literature National University Corporation Act, Article 12, Paragraph 2, Member No. 2 (Council for Education and Research elected member)
Genta Kosukegawa Dean of the Faculty of Education
Xu Shuqi Dean, Faculty of Social Co-creation
Ryoji Takahashi Dean, Faculty of Science
Masakatsu Yamashita Dean, Graduate School of Medicine
Hiroshi Takahashi Dean, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Satoshi Yamauchi Dean, Graduate School of Agriculture

As of July 1, 2021

*Excerpts from the National University Corporation Act

Article 12 The appointment of the President shall be made by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology based on a proposal by a national university corporation.
(2) The offer set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be made by a conference consisting of an equal number of each of the committee members listed in item (i) and the committee members listed in item (ii) (hereinafter referred to as the “Rector Selection Conference”). (2) The application set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be made by the selection of a committee consisting of an equal number of each of the committee members listed in item (i) and the committee members listed in item (ii) (hereinafter referred to as the “Presidential Committee”).
 (i) A person elected by the Management Council prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (2), item (iii) from among those listed in Article 20, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the same article.
 (ii) A person elected by the Council on Education and Research provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 21, paragraph 2, item 3 or 4 from among those listed in item 3 or 4 of the same paragraph.
3 In addition to the persons listed in the items of the preceding paragraph, the President or a Director may be added to the members of the Presidential Selection Committee as determined by the Presidential Selection Committee. However, the number of such persons shall not exceed one-third of the total number of members of the Rectors Selection Committee.
4 The President Selection Council shall have a chairperson, who shall be elected by the members from among themselves.
5 The Chair presides over the Rector Selection Committee.
6 In addition to what is provided for in this Article, procedures for the proceedings of the Rectors Selection Conference and other necessary matters concerning the Rectors Selection Conference shall be determined by the Chairperson in consultation with the Rectors Selection Conference.
7 The selection of the president prescribed in paragraph (2) shall be made from among persons of high integrity of character, of outstanding academic knowledge, and of the ability to appropriately and effectively manage the educational and research activities of the university, in accordance with the criteria determined by the Presidential Selection Council.
8 The national university corporation shall publicize without delay the results of said selection and other matters provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology when the selection of the president provided for in paragraph 2 is made, and the criteria provided for in the preceding paragraph when the presidential selection committee has established or changed said criteria, respectively. (2) The Board of Directors of the University of Tokyo shall

Items to be publicized pursuant to Article 12, Paragraph 8 of the National University Corporation Act

Matters related to selection in 2020

Results of the President’s Performance Evaluation
