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Respect for individuals – Prevention of infringement of human rights (harassment, etc.)

Ehime University Policy

  1. Ehime University is committed to creating a comfortable educational and working environment that is fair and full of a sense of human rights, where all members are respected as individuals, and where they can study, research, and work with peace of mind. Sexual harassment, power harassment, and other forms of harassment are serious violations of human rights, deeply damaging to human dignity and character, and must never be tolerated. Ehime University will neither tolerate nor condone harassment of any kind.
  2. In order to prevent and eradicate harassment that hinders a comfortable and fruitful university life, education and research environment, or a safe working environment, we are making efforts to raise awareness through public relations activities to deepen understanding of the causes, background, actual conditions and problems of harassment and to gain sufficient understanding.

Center for Equal Opportunity

In April 2008, Center for Equal Opportunity was established to further enhance the speed and mobility of the system while taking advantage of the objectivity and impartiality of the previous system in dealing with human rights issues, and to supervise consultation services, handling of consultation cases, and measures to prevent human rights violations.

Center for Equal Opportunity has counselors assigned to each faculty and department to provide a wide range of consultation services. The counselors include faculty and staff from within the university as well as experts from outside the university, making it possible to respond to a wide variety of consultations. In addition, in cooperation with the Student Support Center and various faculties, the Center strives to prevent human rights violations by providing detailed support, enhancing care for victims and follow-up on consultation cases, and enhancing daily awareness-raising activities.

Center for Equal Opportunity

Ehime University Guidelines for the Prevention of Human Rights Violations, etc.

If you feel you have been harassed (Consultation service and list of counselors)

A representative consultation contact and a counselor are assigned as the consultation contact.

  • Your privacy is protected and your confidentiality is strictly maintained.”
  • Don’t keep it to yourself.”

Go to the place you are most comfortable with for a consultation. If you are unable to go alone, ask a close friend or other person to go with you. You can contact the counselor of your choice directly. You can apply for a consultation not only in person, but also by writing, calling, or e-mailing the counselor.

You should consult with your counselor in the way that is most convenient for you among these.

List of Consultation Counters and Consultants

Representative Consultation Contact

Student Life Support Division, Education and Student Support Department
TEL: 089-927-8970

Center for Equal Opportunity (Administrative charge: Employment Environment Promotion Office, General Affairs Department)
tel: 089-927-9036
Center for Equal Opportunity Consultation Service

Consultation Service Anywhere

  1. Comprehensive Health Center
  2. Student Support Center
  3. Faculty in charge of student life in each department
  4. Student Anything and Everything Counseling Desk” of the Education and Student Support Department, teams in each faculty, etc.
  5. Academic Affairs Division, School of Medicine
  6. Faculty of Agriculture Administration Division, Faculty of Agriculture
  7. General Affairs and Planning Team, International Cooperation Division, International Cooperation Support Department
    (International Relations Division General Affairs & Planning)
  8. School Nurse Teachers in Affiliated Schools
  9. Occupational Health Consultation Service at the Faculty of Medicine
  10. Gender Equity Center Life and Career Consultation Office
  11. Faculty and Staff Consultation Service

Consultation on disabilities

  1. Accessibility Support Office (Students)
  2. Counseling on anything related to disabilities (faculty and staff)
    Manager, Personnel Section, General Affairs Department (Vocational Life Consultant for Persons with Disabilities)

List of consultants for the Center for Equal Opportunity

List of consultants for the Center for Equal Opportunity (on-campus only)

What is harassment?

This term refers to words or actions related to gender, social status, race, nationality, creed, age, occupation, physical characteristics, and other attributes, as well as matters that broadly relate to personality, that cause disadvantage or discomfort to the other party or impair his or her dignity.

sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as any sexual behavior that makes another person feel uncomfortable, whether intended by the harasser or not, including, but not limited to, using one’s position in education, research, employment, or extracurricular activities to force a relationship or sexual relationship with another person. Sexual harassment may be perpetrated by a man against a woman, a woman against a man, or between persons of the same sex.

harassment, discrimination, bullying, etc. of staff and students at educational institutions

(2) “Superiority” refers to language or behavior that is based on a superior relationship and that goes beyond what is necessary and reasonable in terms of education, research, or duties, thereby harming the environment in which students study or work.

harassment, discrimination, bullying, etc. of staff and students at educational institutions

Sexual harassment, power harassment, or other harassment that occurs in the course of education or research is also broadly referred to as “academic harassment. This term refers to words or actions that take unfair advantage of an educational or research position to harass, interfere with research, or injure one’s character.

alcohol related harassment

Forcing a person to drink alcohol and having him or her drink it in one gulp. Intentional drunkenness or forcing someone to drink alcohol who is unable to do so is also a crime of assault.

gender harassment

It is on a continuum with sexual harassment and is based on an ingrained sense of gender roles, i.e., gender bias.

Discrimination and bias-based harassment

It is a violation of human rights based on prejudice against race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or origin, and is an unacceptable act or behavior from a humanitarian standpoint.

Elimination of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability

  • The Law on the Promotion of Elimination of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability came into effect on April 1, 2016. The University has also established regulations to ensure that staff members appropriately respond to the law, with the aim of creating a university where people can live together in mutual respect for each other’s personality and individuality, without being separated by disability.

Prevention of Sexual Violence

Sexual violence will be handled in accordance with the human rights violations and harassment described in the “Guidelines for the Prevention of Human Rights Violations at Ehime University National Corporation,” “Ehime University Manual for the Prevention of Harassment” and “Ehime University without Human Rights Violations︕” etc.

To Avoid Becoming a Harassment Perpetrator

  • If you find that the other person does not like what you say or do, even if you do not intend to do so, do not repeat the same behavior.
  • Do not make the mistake of thinking that because you are superior to others, you deserve to be obeyed.
  • The other party does not always give a clear indication of their intentions. Even if there is no indication of refusal, do not easily mistake it for agreement, consent, or understanding.
  • Let’s build good relationships with each other on a regular basis, respecting each other’s character without wielding power.
  • Those in higher positions should always be aware that their words and actions have a great impact on those below them.
  • Always be willing to think and act from the other person’s perspective.

To prevent harassment from occurring

  • Make an effort to make it clear to the other person that you are uncomfortable. Although it may be difficult to do so because the person you are talking to is usually superior to you, try to show yourself by clearly saying, “Please stop,” yelling, running away, or other such gestures.
  • Be courageous to end harassment. When harassment takes place around you, put yourself in the place of the victim and make the greatest effort possible.

If someone is being harassed.

  • If you witness harassment that you find offensive, take note of it on the spot.
  • If a friend talks to you about the damage, be kind, listen to them, and offer emotional support.
  • The victim is emotionally traumatized, so never say anything that would question the victim’s story or blame the victim.
  • Be a witness if necessary, and be careful to protect the victim’s privacy when doing so.
  • Encourage them to go to the university’s counseling center and accompany them.