Application for Special Exception for Student Payment of National Pension Insurance Premiums
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<Latest News> For those who have difficulty paying National Pension Insurance premiums due to the effects of the new type of coronavirus infection
Even if your income for the previous year exceeded a certain amount and you have not been able to apply for theNational Pension Insurance, you may have difficulty paying the premiums due to a decrease in your income after February 2020 as a result of the new type of coronavirus infection. In this case, you can apply for a special exception for student payment as a temporary special measure based on your income (estimated amount) from the same month onward.
(1) A decrease in revenues due to coronavirus infection since February 2020.
(2) The applicant’s expected income during the current fiscal year is expected to be at a level that would qualify for exemption from the current national pension premiums, etc., in view of the applicant’s income from February 2020 onward.
*For more information, please visit the following website
What is the Special Student Payment Exemption System?
The Special Student Payment Exemption System allows students to defer payment of insurance premiums upon application.
By using this system, you can not only secure your future pension entitlement, but also ensure your eligibility for the basic disability pension in the event that you become disabled due to an accident or other cause.
Originally, the application should be submitted to the city/ward office, town/village office, or pension office of the area of residence, but the university also accepts applications.
subject (of taxation, etc.)
Students who are enrolled in a university or graduate school and whose income in the year prior to the year in which they apply for the special exception for student payment is below the standard amount.
Income standard for the current year (applicant only): 1,280,000 yen + number of dependents, etc. x 380,000 yen
Period during which applications may be submitted
For the past period, you may apply up to two years and one month before the month in which your application is received, and for the future period, you may apply until the end of the fiscal year. However, a single application form can only be submitted from April or the 20th birthday to March of the same year, so please submit multiple application forms if necessary.
Documents required for application
To apply, please submit the “Application for Special Exception for Student Payment of National Pension Insurance Premiums”. *You do not need to submit a copy of your pension notebook or student ID card when applying to the university.
If you cannot download the documents, please come to the Student Life Support Division to pick them up.
For information on other pension plans, please click here.
Submission address
Student Life Support Team, Student Life Support Division, Johoku Campus
Academic Affairs Team, Administrative Division, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarumi Campus
Student Life Team, Student Affairs Division, School of Medicine, Shigenobu Campus
For inquiries, please contact
Student Life Support Team, Student Life Support Division
TEL: 089-927-9168
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