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International Cooperation Activities

Ehime University is systematically working to advance and internationalize education and research in all faculties and graduate schools, and is conducting education and research that aims to contribute to society in a variety of fields, both in the sciences and humanities. Taking advantage of these characteristics, Ehime University is actively promoting international collaboration and international contributions while further advancing the sophistication of education and research, and at the same time, collaborating with the local community and contributing to society.

International collaboration in the field of world-class research

The three world-class research centers (Center for Coastal Environmental Sciences, Center for Deep Earth Dynamics, and Center for Proteoscience) will play a central role in building an international center of education and research with world-class research, producing outstanding human resources, and contributing to the international community through initiatives that return the results of academic research to the world. International collaboration is being carried out.

Center for Coastal Environmental Sciences

We study the environment of coastal waters, global pollution by hazardous chemicals, the mechanisms of marine life systems, and the mechanisms of long-term changes in the coastal environment, aiming to become a center for coastal environmental research not only in the Seto Inland Sea area but also in Japan and Asia.

Research Center for Deep Earth Dynamics

As a center of excellence for deep Earth science, we are developing state-of-the-art experimental techniques such as ultrahigh-pressure experiments, numerical simulations, and gas pressure property measurements, and conducting fundamental research on the structure and motion of the Earth’s deep interior, in order to elucidate the composition and chemical composition of the unknown deep Earth. The company is promoting

Proteoscience Center

  • Research Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Designated as a strategic item for innovative technology in Japan by the Council for Science and Technology Policy

Based on the unique technology of cell-free protein synthesis, which we were the first in the world to establish, we are conducting life science research and applied research to utilize the excellent biological functions that have been refined over the past 4 billion years for the creation of new industries.
We are driving global protein research, particularly in response to infectious diseases and in the search for malaria vaccine candidates.

Research Center for Ancient Industrial Archaeology in Asia

  • The only foreign institution to conduct a full-scale survey of Chinese steelmaking sites

We will conduct archaeological and natural science analysis to elucidate the specifics of iron (iron-making, casting, and smithing) technology in East Asia, and clarify the impact of iron on social change in various regions of Asia. We will continue our research.

Space Evolution Research Center

The center promotes international contributions by conducting comprehensive research focusing on the “evolution of the universe,” and by conducting cutting-edge research and training researchers in the field of space exploration.

International Contribution through Education (Research)

In addition to promoting the bold internationalization of education and producing outstanding human resources as a center for international education and research, the University will also work to build a system to support students who have completed their studies abroad in finding employment, and will promote cooperation in higher education, especially with Asian countries. The goal is to serve as one of the universities.

Special Course for International Students,” a distinctive approach to international student education in the graduate program

The program promotes the training of university faculty members and high-level officials and engineers who will deal with environmental, disaster prevention, and agricultural issues in the Asian region. (Admission in September, lectures in English)

  • Special Course in Asian Disaster Mitigation Studies at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering
  • Special Course for International Students from Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim (AAP) at the Graduate School of Agricultural Science
  • Special Course for International Students of Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Special Course for International Students of Asia, Africa and Pacific Rim Agriculture in the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences

Special scholarship program for graduate school students (travel expenses to Japan and back home, living expense support)

Implementation of international student support programs aimed at developing global human resources

We promote the acceptance and success of excellent international students and provide consistent support from specialized education to job placement assistance.
We contribute to the development of highly specialized human resources who will serve as a bridge between Japan and Asia.

Overseas Development of Japanese-Style Education: Development and Practice of STEAM Early Childhood Education Curriculum through Industry-Academia Collaboration

Ehime University and Human Holdings Corporation have begun joint research on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education for children in Indonesian nursery schools.

Education system construction

Develop curriculum for world-class undergraduate and graduate education, and establish a center for ESD support at Ehime University (Asia and Africa).

Establishment of double degree programs with universities in Indonesia and Taiwan with which we have exchange agreements

Focused international collaboration with base countries

Based on Ehime University’s past international exchange activities, we are promoting focused international contributions and international collaboration with a particular focus on specific countries (Indonesia, Nepal, Mozambique, and the Philippines). These activities are being developed as industry-government-academia partnerships in cooperation with governments and educational institutions in each country, as well as with industry and civic organizations in Ehime Prefecture.


  • Academic exchange agreements concluded with 16 Indonesian universities and institutes
  • Establishment of Ehime University Overseas Satellite Office Indonesia
  • Development of tropical forest research and environmental disaster prevention research (e.g., University of Hasanuddin and University of Gorontalo) as a center of higher education in Eastern Indonesia
  • SUIJI (Six-University Initiative Japan Indonesia) consortium agreement on tropical agriculture signed.
  • Implementation of SUIJI domestic and international service-learning programs
  • SUIJI Joint Program Master (SUIJI-JP-Ms) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed.
  • SUIJI Joint Program Doctor (SUIJI-JP-Dc) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed
  • Academic exchange with the Government of South Sulawesi Province, Republic of Indonesia
  • Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Gorontalo Province and the University of Gorontalo, Republic of Indonesia, regarding human resource development
  • Overseas fieldwork and internship by the Faculty of Social Co-creation
  • Full support for Ehime-Indonesia Friendship Association


  • Academic exchange agreements signed with five universities and institutes in Nepal (Purvanchal University, Tribhuvan University Engineering College, Nepal Engineering College, Tribhuvan University Medical College, and Earthquake Engineering Research Institute of Nepal)
  • Establishment of Ehime University Overseas Satellite Office Nepal
  • Support for research and exchange in the areas of integrated disaster prevention research and medical care with partner universities
  • The President of Ehime University received a plaque from the Nepalese government in appreciation of Ehime University’s contributions to Nepal since 2001 (Award Ceremony held on November 23, 2008).


  • Academic exchange agreement signed with Lurio University
  • Establishment of Ehime University Overseas Satellite Office in Mozambique
  • Development of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) (Establishment of Environmental ESD Leadership Training Curriculum)
  • Academic exchange agreement concluded with Lulio University, Republic of Mozambique; Ehime University, National University Corporation, Japan; Ministry of Science, Technology, Higher Education and Vocational Education, Republic of Mozambique; and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).


  • Academic exchange agreements signed with three Philippine universities
  • Establishment of Ehime University Overseas Satellite Office in the Philippines
  • Implemented an international educational training program in collaboration with the School of Education, University of the Philippines Diliman (“Philippine Educational Training Program to Develop Human Resources with International Perspectives”).
  • Conducting joint research with De La Salle University (“Development of biological control technology using natural enemies to control agricultural pests and bacterial technology to control dengue virus infection in mosquitoes”)

International Exchange Agreements