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Ehime University ranked 17th (out of 78 universities in Japan) in the same rank in Japan in the overall score of “THE University Impact Ranking 2023

On June 1, 2023, Times Higher Education, a British higher education magazine, published THE University Impact Rankings 2023.

Ehime University applied for the third time and was ranked in all 17 SDGs, including third place in Japan for SDG 8 (both job satisfaction and economic growth ), fifth place in Japan for SDG 11 (create a town where people can continue to live) and SDG 17 (achieve goals through partnership ). SDG 14 (Let’s protect the richness of our oceans) ranked 6th in Japan alone.
In the overall ranking, Ehime University received a high evaluation, ranking 17th in the domestic tie (out of 78 universities in Japan) and 301-400th in the global ranking (out of 1,591 universities worldwide). Ehime University will use these results as a reference to promote its activities with the aim of becoming a university that further contributes to the SDGs in the future.

THE University Impact Ranking

The ranking visualizes the social contribution efforts of universities using the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is the fifth year for the system, which covers 1,591 universities worldwide (1,406 last year) and 78 universities in Japan (76 last year).

Reference Web site

THE Impact Ranking 2023


Ehime University x SDGs

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