On September 15, 2023 (Fri.), the International Student Job Placement Promotion Program Office, Institute for International Relations held a presentation of the results of the “SDGs and Business Solutions for International and Japanese Students Together” class at the Media Hall. 41 participants, including program students, companies, faculty, and staff, as well as online participants, attended. The event was attended by 41 participants, including program students, companies, faculty, and staff, including online participants.
In this class, international students, Japanese students, and employees from four companies in the prefecture (Aiki Corporation, Ability Center Corporation, Dogo Prince Hotel, and Ohno Kaihatsu Co. The students from each team presented the SDG issues they found through their internship and their proposals for solutions at a presentation meeting held from July to September.
The day was attended not only by employees who had been involved with the students as mentors, but also by board members, who judged each team’s presentation based on five criteria, including “understanding of the company,” “ability to clearly present SDG issues,” and “feasibility. As a result, the Ono Kaihatsu team, which presented on lithium-ion battery recycling and employee satisfaction and job satisfaction, was awarded first place.
One corporate participant commented, “I think the angle of the SDGs and the way business should be done is an important one,” and another said, “I felt the importance of the way different cultures and values see things, the effort to understand each other, and the courage to have a positive conversation. Students commented, “Working with people from different cultures and backgrounds gave me the opportunity to experience their perspectives and values,” and “I had a hard time because of the cultural and language differences, but more than that, I learned that we can gain a great sense of accomplishment by working together with an understanding of the differences in our respective backgrounds. I learned that we can achieve a great sense of accomplishment by working together with an understanding of the differences in our backgrounds. It is evident that the interns learned the importance of accepting different cultures and values by understanding and respecting each other’s differences and working together to prepare group work and presentations, despite the differences in language and culture, and that this made for a better internship experience.
We would like to thank all the companies that participated over a long period of time, and we will continue to make every effort to provide better job placement support for international students.

<International Cooperation Support Department