Nature Outlook “Malaria” featured a two-page branded content article on malaria research at Proteo-Science Center (PROS) on June 29, 2023. A brand content article introduces new research or technology worth reading for readers of Nature. Therefore, the content must be substantial and relevant to the featured articles. This time, Associate Professor Eizo Takashima’s efforts to combat malaria with a wheat-germ cell-free system (WGCFS) invented by Ehime University were highly evaluated and led to the publication.
The article mentions that the WGCFS is an optimal protein synthesis system suitable for recombinant malaria proteins, and robotic semi-automated machines have synthesized more than 4,000 malaria proteins. Malaria parasites have approximately 5,500 genes in their genome. Therefore, the 4000 proteins cover the most proteins for the parasite. A/Prof. Takashima utilizes the proteins for screening antigens useful for developing novel malaria vaccines for preventing the disease and diagnostic tests for asymptomatic malaria individuals. The number of children suffering from malaria worldwide remains as high as ever. We hope you understand A/Prof Takashima’s enthusiasm to break through this situation and help children.
Nature Outlook
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