On November 12 (Sat.) and 13 (Sun.), 2022, the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) held its annual science conference online. Two students from Ehime University Doctor Training School presented their research and received the “Challenge Award” and “Idea Award,” respectively.
The Junior Doctor Cultivation School is an educational program as part of the JST-supported Next Generation Human Resource Development Project, which has been adopted by 30 universities and institutions nationwide. The program aims to develop and implement a systematic training plan to discover elementary and junior high school students with high motivation and outstanding abilities through studies in various fields including science, mathematics, and information, and to further develop their abilities in order to foster outstanding human resources who will lead science and technology innovation. Ehime University was selected in fiscal year 2017 under the project name “Nurturing Next Generation Leader Scientists to Take on the Challenge of Scientific Innovation. The first five-year period of the program ended last year, and in recognition of its achievements to date, Ehime University was selected for the second term of the program starting this year under the project name of “Development of a program for fostering next-generation generalists who will open the way to the future. This year marks the start of the second five-year period.
The Science Conference is an annual research presentation meeting hosted by JST, but due to the effects of the new coronavirus, it was held remotely for the third year in a row. This year, a total of 53 research presentations were made in the fields of “Physics and Chemistry,” “Engineering,” “Biology,” “Mathematics and Informatics,” and “Others. Two students from Ehime University Doctor Training School, Taichi Isozaki, a first-year student at Matsuyama Nishi Secondary School, and Yumi Hashimoto, a third-year student at Katsuyama Junior High School in Matsuyama City, presented in the field of “Biology” (both were supervised by Associate Professor Heiwa Mukou of the Faculty of Education ). Isozaki’s presentation was titled “Research on Seashore Plants” and He received the “Challenge Award. Hashimoto’s presentation was titled “Research on Southern Shrimps” and she received the “Idea Award.
Ehime University, having been selected for the second phase of the “Next Generation Human Resource Development Project,” will continue to make efforts to develop human resource development and training programs for elementary and junior high school students who will pioneer the future.

Faculty of Education